195 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 155
Portsmouth NH, 03801
603.570.4000 voice
603.570.4001 fax

Take 95 North through the Hampton tolls
Take Exit 3 (Route 33) -- Portsmouth/Greenland and Pease International
Turn left at the top of the ramp onto Route 33W
At your next set of lights, take a right onto Grafton Road
Follow Grafton Rd. approximately 1 mile until the stop sign
Turn left onto Corporate Drive and go through a blinking yellow light
Take first right into 195 New Hampshire Avenue parking lot
Take immediate left: our white building with a blue band is marked
Follow the parking lot around to the right
Exavera is suite 155
Take appropriate roads to I-495 North towards Salisbury & Portsmouth
Follow 495N to 95 North through the Hampton tolls
Take Exit 3 (Route 33) -- Portsmouth/Greenland and Pease International
Turn left at the top of the ramp onto Route 33W
At your next set of lights, take a right onto Grafton Road
Follow Grafton Rd. approximately 1 mile until the stop sign
Turn left onto Corporate Drive and go through a blinking yellow light
Take first right into 195 New Hampshire Avenue parking lot
Take immediate left: our white building with a blue band is marked
Follow the parking lot around to the right
Exavera is suite 155
Take 95 South to Exit 3A -- Pease International Tradeport
At the end of the ramp, turn right onto Grafton Road
Follow Grafton Rd. approximately 1 mile until the stop sign
Turn left onto Corporate Drive and go through a blinking yellow light
Take first right into 195 New Hampshire Avenue parking lot
Take immediate left: our white building with a blue band is marked
Follow the parking lot around to the right
Exavera is suite 155
Take Exit 1 -- Gosling Road and Pease International Tradeport
Turn right onto Pease Blvd. and go through first sets of lights
Turn left at stop sign onto New Hampshire Avenue
Follow New Hampshire Ave for approximately 1 mile
Take left into 195 New Hampshire Avenue parking lot
Take immediate left: our white building with a blue band is marked
Follow the parking lot around to the right
Exavera is suite 155